You are invited to join us for an all-day, in-person retreat facilitated by guest dharma teacher Leslie Rawls.
No Birth, No Death. Only Transformation.
We will practice living in the present moment, enjoying each breath in order to come home to ourselves. During our retreat, we will benefit from guided deep relaxation, mindful movements, silent meditation, a talk by senior dharma teacher, vegan lunch and time to share our experiences with each other in community.
Practicing in this way brings so many benefits including experiencing deep rest, generating joy, and composting our difficulties into self- and other compassion.
Space is limited, so please sign up early.
DATE: Saturday, February 10, 2024
LOCATION: Eden Seminary
475 E Lockwood Ave, St. Louis, MO 63119
In This Retreat:
- Sitting and walking meditation with live guidance
- Live talk offered by senior teacher of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
- Vegan/Vegetarian Lunch
- Space and time to connect with people
- A transmission of the Five Mindfulness Trainings
Fees are $50 (Scholarships available)
Additional Dana to support retreat teacher and community scholarships welcome at the event!